Thursday, January 1, 2009

10 French Things You Need to Know

Many of the best mysteries, SALs, and tutorials are on French blogs (at least in my opinion). So I thought I would provide some French word translations than may help you navigate the blogs.

Words to Look For:
brode = embroider
broderie = embroidery
pointe de croix = cross stitch
clique: click
ici: here
(click here = clique ici)
(clique sur la image = click on the picture)
lien = link
telechargement = download
gratuite: free
grille = chart
pas-a-pas = step by step

Ten more things:
abecdedaire = sampler or primer
bourse = a particular kind of purse or bag that gathers at the top
biscornu = basically slang now, biscornu is an adjective that means quirky, twisted, weird.
A more complete term for the thing is “coussin (cushion) or coussinet (little cushion) biscornu.”
It's an adjective, so there is no plural.
boites = box
cartonnage = cardboard, or a generic carrier or envelope
etui = case (or kit), typically small
marquoir = marker, sampler
panier = basket
serviettes = towels
toile and tissue = fabric

Here are some more translations

1 comment:

  1. Absolut GENIAL !!!!!!!! Thank you.
    Have a nice sunday.


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