This is a collection of resources for finding instructions for that elusive stitch. Or maybe you want to add some new stitches to your repertoire.
One idea is to take a nice length of linen banding and add some interesting stitches that appeal to you as you run across them. Keep a journal on what you have included and where you found the instructions for reference. This could be a very personal sampler that your family will appreciate for generations. It represents your interests, your handiwork, your development as an artist. Check out "Take a Stitch Tuesday" for inspiration on how to make simple and not so simple stitches into beautiful designs.
For practice and inspiration, try Stitch Explorer 2009 Original Take a Stitch Tuesday, TAST II, TAST Album, Last TAST album; players: A stitch a week by Summer Louise, Quieter Moments,
Stitch Dictionaries
Sharon B's In a Minute Ago (now at Pintangle) - one of the best illustrated sites - the only place I have found the oyster stitch, for example. Alphabetic
Sharon B's resource list at Pin Tangle
A great site organized by the type of stitch is Stitch-opedia alphabetic and by type of stitch
Needlecrafters’ stitch dictionary alphabetic
Another stitch dictionary including a variety of beading stitches at Pretty Impressive Stuff
Stitch with the Embroidery Guild alphabetic with diagram thumbnails, from the magazine
Johanna’s stitch diagrams by type of stitch
Classic Stitches stitch glossary alphabetic
Needlecrafter stitch glossary, alphabetic with related stitch links (very handy)
Cross stitch, needlepoint and embroidery stitch glossary at Arts and Designs, alphabetic
A few examples with good illustrations on fabric at La Fee Rie
La Boite a Broderie (Sewing Box), stitch dictionary in French, which is handy with all the French SALS and mysteries
Many stitches, projects, and techniques (including stitch of the month) at ANG
Caron’s reading stitch charts (plus tips, etc.)
Animated and video instructions
Animated stitching instructions by embroidery technique
Needle n thread video library by type of stitch
Lots of sewing and embroidery videos (and just about anything else you can think of)
Do you know the difference between buttonhole and blanket stitch?
There is a difference! Heritage Shop essay
Tailor's buttonhole
Also at Heritage Shop, Plain and Fancy Studies in Needlework
Reversible Cross Stitch
In four passes (pdf with color pics) here
In four passes over two rows here
Italian method here
Pinhead for invisible starting, ending and isolated stitches - 3 methods
For canvas workers - basketweave
Bullion stitches - how to, how not (knot!?!) to here
Jessica stitch by Orna Willis under how to (along with bullion, French knot and finishing the edge on canvas)
Just one more stitch, just one more row (blog) basic needlepoint including jessicas
Some more fancy stitches (e.g., cushion, norwich, sprats head) often used in Needlepoint at Xitch
Video, diagrams and directions for mastering the French Knot
A twist on cording (narf, narf), DMC instructions for various "friendship wear" - think braiding for your finishing
Embroidery styles and techniques (e.g., hardanger) that call for specialty stitches:
Links to all kinds of tutorials including basic xs, hardanger, linen, hem stitching and many links to stitch dictionaries, animated illustrations and specialty stitches at Designers Forum
A good basic stitch dictionary plus info on hardanger, blackwork, whitework, pulled thread and cutwork by type of stitch
Drawn thread work in 9 lessons at Heritage
EGA Stitch to Learn embroidery projects
Teddy's Handarbeiten has a German lesson in Ukranian embroidery technique Myrescha
My feature picture is a stumpwork piece. I have not found a good tutorial for that technique yet.
A basic guide to Hardanger, including how to begin and end, plus filling stitches at My Hobby Craft
Needlecraft guides from Willow Fabrics, along with suggested fabric and fibers
Kathy Dyer's brief descriptions of techniques
Stitching the Night Away has extensive resources and articles on their website and is transitioning to their blog. This covers all kinds of crafts. The website has a lot of free patterns.
A very long list of online classes and resources including finishing and framing at EMS
If I could only give you one link, this just might be the one.
Needlepointers stitch resources for needlepoint, cross stitch, embroidery, stumpwork, tatting, smocking, punch needle, plus other resources and tools